
The Northern Enigma - Part 45

Deviation Actions

Walt-Marsters's avatar

Literature Text

Tubar stopped in front of a large three story wooden building. It was almost dark by now and it had started raining. The rain was convenient, because now they had a reason to pull the hoods of their cloaks over their heads. Tubar bounced on the door and waited for a few seconds. It opened and a muscular slave appeared in the door. He looked at the four of them for a moment and stepped aside, leaving room for them to enter. The place was obviously one of the cheap cat-houses of the district. A shabby looking counter with racks full of bottles with cheap beer and liquor behind it, had been constructed near the entrance. A rather fat, middle aged female slave in a dress that revealed more of her bosoms than Falco wanted to see, was sitting behind it. She smiled and stood up when they entered.
Apart from the counter, there were also two low tables with a few chairs, but most of the guests were sitting on pillows, or rather old sacks filled with hay that had been dropped on the floor. Half naked slave girls were sitting on laps or lying next to guests, kissing and fondling and being fondled. It was difficult to see whether all the guests were free born people or that some were slaves as well. None of them looked very sophisticated or had clothes of any quality. Just like the roughly woven cloaks Tubar and his friends used. Falco still wore the clothes he had stolen rom various shepherds so he didn’t stick out either, except perhaps that he was a lot better looking than everybody else in the room. But with the hood still pulled low over his face, even that wasn’t noticed in the half dark, candle lit room.
Tubar walked deeper inside, followed by the others and nodded at the woman behind the counter.
“Foul weather out there, madam. But the light of your establishment makes everything right again. A drink would be welcome for me and my friends, though.”
“Of course it would. And perhaps a girl’s body to keep you warm?” the woman replied, grabbing a bottle with strong, but low quality mead from the shelves.
“No doubt. But not here. Do you have a room available?”  
The woman filled four small cups and placed them on the counter, while she glared at Tubar and the others.
“I have a room. But it is more suited for three people, and their girls of course, not four. I wasn’t expecting such a big company today.”
Tubar raised an eyebrow and smiled ironically at her.
“I’m sure where three can fit, four can as well.” He placed a few coins on the table in such a way only the woman could see what they were. “For the drinks and any … inconvenience … about our number.”
She looked at the money, smiled and quickly made it disappear behind her counter.
“Bottoms up,” Tubar said. “Which is a phrase we’ll be repeating to the girls in a few seconds.”
The four of them emptied the goblets. Falco thought it had to be one of the foulest tasting drinks he had ever had, but he managed to keep a straight face. Moorgash’s beer had been much better than this bile.
“Alright boys, follow me, then I’ll take you to the room. And don’t you worry, I’ll send some girls up in a bit,” the woman said.
She took them to the second floor by a creaking staircase in the back of the house. There was a short landing with two rooms across of each other. The small one had no actual door but only a drape with holes in it.
“As you ordered, gentlemen,” the woman said in a whispering voice, “Both rooms are at your disposal. If anybody would ask for them this night, I’ll say they are occupied. Nobody will mind. Most fuck around in the common room anyway. The other arrangements have been made as well. Now, are you sure you don’t want any girls? It would only cost a few coins more.”
“We are quite sure. Unless … shall we hire a wench for you, boy? You probably never laid with a woman before, so this is your chance,” Tubar said.
“No, thanks,” Falco replied indignantly.
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not gonna sleep with a woman with all of you watching me, bunch of perverts. Besides, you’re wrong. I have been with women before.”
“Yeah, Tubar,” Rovin said. “Of course he has. That red head probably mounted him on lonely nights alone in the wilderness or at sea.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Tubar replied. “That red head was a real woman and he’s hardly out of his diapers. She wouldn’t spend her time on a whelp like that.”
“I’m standing right here,” Falco said indignant.
“Well, did you sleep with the red head?” Rovin asked.
“None of your business.”
“So no,” Rovin concluded.
“And talking about perverts, that applies more to you than to us, boy,” Tubar said. “We would have allowed you the use of the room with a door for half an hour. We wouldn’t have been watching you.”
“Five minutes would probably have been enough,” Rovin grinned.
“Doesn’t matter. I don’t want you to hire a whore for me and that’s final,” Falco said irritable.
“Fine, fine. You heard it, madam. No girls tonight. We will see you in the morning.”
“Suit yourself,” the woman shrugged and went down the staircase.
“We’ll do it like this,” Tubar said, as soon as she was gone. “One of us stands guard in the room with the drape for a door. The other two sleep in the other chamber. Thialfi here will sleep in the same room as the guard. He needs somebody to keep an eye on him. We wouldn’t want him to take off in the middle of the night, after all,”
Tubar opened the door.
“Rovin, Sorvik, after you. I’ll take first watch.”
“Be careful with that little bastard, Tubar,” Rovin said. “I don’t trust him. Shouldn’t we confiscate his sword for the night or something?”
“I don’t think he’ll agree with that, Rovin,” Tubar replied.
“You’re damn right I won’t,” Falco growled.
“And we don’t need a fight in here. That will only attract the night watch. Don’t worry, he’ll behave. Just make sure you behave as well, when it’s your time to stand watch. Get inside. Get some rest. Leave the door ajar.”
“And just so you know, I sleep very lightly and with my sword in my hand. If any of you idiots try something tonight, he will feel my blade,” Falco said.
“Tough words, boy. But I’m not impressed,” Rovin scoffed.
“Stop it, you two,” Tubar commanded. “And go to sleep.”
Tubar followed Falco inside their room. He picked a chair from a corner and placed it near the drape to make himself comfortable. Falco took a blanket from his backpack, spread it out on the floor, and lay down on it. Tubar frowned at him.
“You’re not going to use the bed?”
“That bed has been used a bit too much for my taste. I prefer the floor.”
“Rather picky for a peasant such as yourself.”
“Nothing picky about it. I’m used to sleeping on the floor. Even before I started traveling with my friend.”
“Suit yourself. Hey! Is that really necessary?”
Falco had drawn the sword he had taken along from the Hag’s den from its scabbard and placed it on his lap.
“You have your sword at the ready as well, don’t you? So yes, it’s necessary. What’s the plan for tomorrow?” Falco asked.
“Nothing too spectacular. We will go to the Temple before dawn. We have a contact inside who will lead us along the shortest possible route to the Staircase of the Heroes. Once we’re there, we’re home free.”
“You need a contact even inside the Temple? Seriously? I thought the priests were neutral.”
“They are. But the Temple has a lot more people inside than just priests. And you don’t need a broad sword to kill somebody. A poisoned needle or dart suffices. We are taking no risks, especially now we know they are on to us.”    
“Is it normal for pilgrims to go to the Temple that early? Won’t that arouse suspicions?”
“There are pilgrims from dawn till dusk, but we’re not going as pilgrims. Why do you think we came here? Tomorrow morning, we leave the Thrall District, dressed as thralls!”
“Thralls? Oh, You’ve got to be kidding me! There’s no way I’ll do that!”
“Why not? It’s a perfect disguise. Especially after that unfortunate incident in the Halls of the Dead.”
“It … never mind. I just don’t want to do this.”
“I see. Maybe you haven’t been a peasant all your life, like I thought. If I checked your body, would I find a thrall mark on it? Does this ruse bring back bad memories?”
“Maybe. Let’s just say that if I have marks, I don’t want the world to see.”
“Well, too bad, because you don’t have a choice. You’ll do as you’re told, just like the rest of us.”
“I’m not sure I trust you enough to risk it. For all I know, you may be planning to sell me as a thrall and want me to lay down my weapons without a fuss.”
“You really think that on the eve of such an important quest, I would be bothered by selling some kid I happened to run into? You’re being an idiot, Thialfi. This has been the plan for quite some time and we will put it into action. If it’s your modesty or marks on your body you’re worried about, then I can reassure you. You must have seen for yourself that thralls in this city very rarely run around in the nude. Unless they’re pleasure thralls or very young or on their way to the auction block. The climate doesn’t favor such an attire. A lot of thralls wear rough wool tunics. And that’s what we will be wearing. There are four of us now, instead of three, but I’m sure the good madam will solve that problem for us for some additional coin.”
“But what about our equipment? I’m not leaving my backpack here, I can tell you that.”
“And we won’t leave our weapons and supplies here. We are going as maintenance slaves, dragging a big cart with our tools and equipment and large barrels for garbage in it. Of course, those barrels will contain other things, like our supplies and weapons. Your backpack can fit in there, or under some canvas, as well.”
“Seems like you thought of everything.”
“We didn’t come unprepared, like so many before us.”
“And what about me?”
“You can go your own way as soon as we have reached the Staircase of the Heroes.”
“No, I mean, can’t I come along on your quest?”
“What?” Tubar gasped.
“I said …”
“I heard you!” Suddenly, Tubar started to roar with laughter. “You? Come? With us? Kid, have you gone nuts? You’re constantly fighting with us! With Rovin! Why the hell would you want to come with us? And why would I want to take you along? You’re a penniless mushroom addict who used to be a slave. You really think your kind fits in with the company of Viku heroes, members of the oldest clans of the islands?”
“Thank you very much for that! Forget I even asked,” Falco replied angrily.
“You made me curious though. Why would you want to come along on such a dangerous quest! You know nobody ever returned from it, don’t you?”
“Forget it,” Falco said stubbornly.
“Tell me!”
“I want to make a name for myself! Okay? With a quest like that, that would be assured. Besides, when you become Sea Lord, Rovin will still be your right hand man … and he doesn’t like me very much. So … I better make sure there’s no more reason for you guys to have me arrested and thrown into a dungeon when you come back.”
“Very practical thinking, combined with a boy’s desire for adventure and fame. I can relate to that. You do know that this is a very dangerous mission, right? That nobody ever came back from this quest?”
“I do. But I think you somehow figured out how to do it. Otherwise you wouldn’t try.”
“You still have a lot to learn about quests, boy. Anyway, even if I wanted to take you along, I can’t. Legend says that only descendants of the original nine heroes can survive the quest. There’s probably a trial in there that tests if you belong to the right bloodline. I very much doubt you do.”
“I suppose not,” Falco mumbled.
“Indeed.So you would be annihilated if you tried. And now quit with the stupid questions and go to sleep. We have to get up very early in the morning.”

Tubar was relieved by Sorvik, who was in turn relieved by Rovin. Rovin watched the sleeping Falco for a while. His chest heaved in a slow, peaceful rhythm. He seemed fast asleep. Rovin took two steps closer, holding his sword in his hand. Almost immediately and without his breathing changing at all, Falco raised his sword as well, aiming the point at the approaching Viku warrior. Rovin blinked in surprise, grinned a bit sheepishly, stepped back and sat down on the chair. Nothing else happened that night.
Rovin woke them all up an hour before dawn. The madam brought them a modest but fortifying breakfast, which they ate quickly, and a collection of tunics and loincloths to choose from. Falco found a tunic that seemed about the right size and changed in the room with the drape, his back turned towards the others. He had no desire for them to see the wolf head scar on his chest. It might have aroused suspicions to say the least. The others, to his surprise, were even joking among themselves about their new appearance. They were somewhat less enthusiastic when they had to strap the collars around their own necks and click the manacles in place. Falco felt downright miserable when he prepared himself, but he managed to hide it for the others. This slave stuff held too many bad memories for him, especially after a night in which he had slept just like in Utgard, with one eye open.
When they were all ready, the madam led them back to the, at that moment empty first floor, and through the back door, where the cart she had arranged for them, was waiting. Tubar briefly inspected it and, while the others hid their equipment, weapons and supplies on the cart, picked a letter from his luggage and gave it to the madam.
“This is your release from slavery. Together with the coin we gave you, you can probably start your own brothel. It is dated on tomorrow. You can hand the letter in to the authorities then. If you betray us in the meantime, my family will know and retract the letter. Is that clear?”
“Yes, milord,” she said.
“Don’t call me that, you fool. Not now. Go back inside. We will handle it from here. Right, Rovin and Sorvik, you two pull the cart. Thialfi and I will push. Move it! Out of the Thrall District and along the back alleys we go! To the service entrance of the Temple of the Gods.”

The guards at the gate of the Thrall District only briefly glanced at them, when they filed outside among a long line of other thralls and carts. The hour before dawn was the normal beginning of the work day for all slaves in Urvalor. They pushed their cart at a steady pace, not slow which would be unacceptable behavior for slaves, but not too fast either. Falco regretted now that he hadn’t visited the temple boulevard before. All he saw now, was the back of one row of temples, and the back was not nearly as glorious as the front. When they past behind a building that had statues of extremely muscular and feral looking warriors standing even at the back, he looked inquisitively at Tubar, who muttered only two words:
“Berserker Temple”
So this was the temple and headquarters of that odd but very ancient warrior caste. Falco wondered for a moment where Olav would be. He had expected to find him on the islands, but Lars had said he had been occupied by sacred duties for his Temple. Maybe the man was only a few dozen meters away at this very moment, right in that building. But there was no way of knowing or checking and soon the building lay behind them. After some time drudging through the muddy back alley, they finally reached the service entrance of the massive Temple of the Gods. More slaves were running in and out, in varied styles of clothing. Tubar was right. Falco noticed the prettiest girls were topless, but still wore skirts and often sandals. Tubar had been right. Slaves rarely were completely nude in Urvalor.
They pushed their cart inside, past other slaves making or collecting deliveries. Tubar glared over his cargo, looking for his contac. If some overseer now popped up to ask what they were doing, they could be in trouble. Suddenly, he noticed a young priestess, holding a whip with a short, red leather handle in her hand. Her belt was of the same red color. Tubar quickly approached her, ignoring a guard who gestured at him, and kneeled before the priestess.
“Honorable priestess, I bring a delivery for the honor of the Gods, in the name of the brave warrior and captain, Kirev. Where can we deliver our cargo?”
The guard stepped closer, asking if everything was alright and getting ready to slap the insolent slave, but she waved him away.
“From Kirev?” the young woman replied. “Yes, he sent word that you would be coming. Take the offerings and follow me.”
In record time, they all grabbed one of the heavy looking barrels and stumbled after her, as she went through a door, followed a corridor and then quickly ascended a staircase. These corridors, much like the back alleys they had been following, were clearly passages meant for the slaves and servants, leading behind the scenes so as not to disturb the priests and pilgrims. Again, Falco regretted not having visited the Temple before. No doubt it had been the smartest thing to do, but now he was missing all the splendor of the Temple of the Gods as well. Still, his curiosity wouldn’t be entirely left unsatisfied. At one point, the priestess led them along a gallery, with small windows in one of the walls. Below they could see the Grand Ceremonial hall, a vast, almost cavernous chamber, paved with marble and its walls lined with gold plated spears. Giant statues of the gods, sitting on their thrones, were placed all along those golden walls. There weren’t too many pilgrims yet this early in the morning, but it was still an awe inspiring sight. So much so, that Falco stared down at it open mouthed, until Sorvik gave him a push against the shoulder to move on.
A few turns and twists later, they seemed to arrive in more residential areas. The priestess quickly led them inside a kind of waiting room or antechamber. Benches lined the walls and a basin with water was placed in a corner.
“You will not be disturbed here. You can change into your normal clothing,” the priestess said. “And if you like, you can wash the mud away, so you can start your holy quest, properly cleansed. When you’re ready, I will tell you how to find the foot of the Staircase of the Heroes. It is not far anymore.”
She suddenly stopped talking and stared at Falco, as if she had only now seen him for the first time.
“You have brought one that is still very young for such a quest. He cannot possibly have the skills and experience you have,” she said.
“Quite right, priestess,” Tubar replied. “That’s Thialfi. And he won’t be coming with us. Not to the mountain, I mean. Just to the Staircase and that will be it. Let’s just say we were forced to take him along for a while.”
“I see.”
She frowned for a moment at Falco, who felt uncomfortable under her gaze, but then, looked away and went to one of the doors. Falco more or less expected the young woman to leave, but she didn’t. She just locked the doors and waited, while the men prepared. The Viku warriors didn’t seem to mind. They just discarded their slave gear, collars and manacles, cleaned up a little and put on their normal clothes, chainmail, and armor. Falco shrugged. Near nudity in public was not exactly new to him. And this was hardly in public. He quickly started to change, with the exception that he still left his armor and his real sword, Bondbreaker, hidden in the backpack, or wrapped in cloth in case of the sword. He removed the tunic, keeping his back to the Viku warriors and grabbed the rough linen shepherd’s shirt from his backpack. Something was wrong! He quickly looked up … and stared at the priestess, who was in turn, staring at him. Or better at the scar on his chest.
‘How has she gotten there, without me noticing?’ he thought, half in a panic. ‘If she gives me away now …!’
He reached for his sword, but she just turned her gaze from his chest to his eyes. She looked … surprised, astounded even. Then, her face returned to its normal, neutral expression and she quietly resumed her vigil in front of the door. Falco put on his shirt and leather armor and turned around. The others were done dressing as well. The priestess nodded at them.
“I see you are ready. Go through this door. Follow the corridor, take the second corridor to your right and go down one level via the staircase you’ll find in that hallway. Behind the door you find at the end, you will enter the hall at the foot of the Staircase of the Heroes. The priests will handle it from there. Go now. Make haste. And may Asgard watch over you.”
“Thank you, priestess. I will not forget this.”
“I’m only doing my duty. Go.”
The men were so excited, they momentarily forgot all about their ‘companion’ aka ‘prisoner’. So Falco was the last one to leave the antechamber. At the door, he hesitated and looked at the priestess.
“Why …?” he began.
“The Quest is a holy task. Trying to stop heroes to take up the quest, is a sin. Making sure they can, is my duty. It is not for me to divulge the secrets of those who want to participate. In fact, no participant is required to divulge his identity. The Mountain itself destroys those who are unworthy of starting the quest. That I why I said nothing when I saw your scar, Black Prince of Griffnar. All I can say is, that the last House I expected to see here to take up the Quest, was House Adler. I … have heard a lot about you. You … commune with gods, with Thor, with Odin, some whisper even with Loki and …” she looked at him from head to toe, “…with Freya. There is much I would like to ask you about that. But there is no time. Your friends will soon notice you didn’t follow. Even though they seem to think you won’t participate. Therefore,” she hesitated for a moment. “Therefore, I will only do this.” She bent forward and kissed him on the lips. “Go now. I wish you luck. And may Asgard watch over you.”
“… ehm, yes. Thank you. For everything,” he replied a bit sheepishly.
He quickly ran after the others and caught up with them, just when they pushed open the final door and entered the Hall of Heroes. The staircase was just ahead of them.
Falco and his unexpected companions are in the Thrall Quarters. Will they reach the Temple?
© 2016 - 2024 Walt-Marsters
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larqven's avatar
The Thrall scheme worked out quite well.  I could see why Falco might balk at the idea.  He's had a tough experience with slavery is putting the matter mildly.  And he had a 'refresher' trauma on these lines just a week or so ago. 

A poor room, I can imagine why Falco might avoid the bed!  Of course the floor will be little better as that is where the feet and shoes go.  And vermin find their way there as well.  Rovin being a major pest in himself, but at least Falco impressed him with his awareness, which didn't help with sleep overmuch.

The disguises as thralls worked quite well.  The Urvalor island has quite the ever-present slave culture.  Tubar might be the 'poor man's' Lars, but he did have a quite effective plan and scheme.  The backside alley behind a row of temples was interesting.  The Berserker Temple was intriguing.  I liked how the priestess recognized Falco for who he was but allowed him to go on as the quest is free to all.

It was interesting as Falco unexpectedly almost seemed to have a cheerleader.  'You're Falco Adler!  The Black Prince!" she seemed to almost say.  Not a bad thing for a pick-me-up.

Tubar and the others practically all but have forgotten 'Thialfi' in their own excitement.  He might have just slipped away at this point.  But then, they are going up the same route.  Falco will eventually come to odds with these three adventurers?  Will they come to violence starting up the mountain?  Will Falco reveal that--he too--may climb the mountain?  More accurately, he is the ONLY one who can travel up the mountain with his Odin's Cloak?  The three might go far, but be doomed to become frozen corpse statues?

Problems, big problems to be sure, but at the moment, lots of smiles all around.  The temple backroom made for an attractive 'base camp' for the climb up the mountain.

Errors from Part 45

Falco still wore the clothes he had stolen rom [from] various shepherds (about pg. 1)

Indeed.So [Indeed. So] you would be annihilated if you tried. (add space) (about pg. 4)

Tubar glared over his cargo, looking for his contac [contact]. (about pg. 5)