
A slave cub Tale - 7

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Literature Text

Day 19

I have been trying to talk to Renya all day, but every time I’m getting closer, she goes away to another part of the abbey. She’s clearly avoiding me. I’ll never be able to make things right this way.

Gnarl hasn’t been playing guide today either, which is kind of a relief. It’s weird when he does that. And uncomfortable. But … also helpful and I’m learning a lot of werewolf stuff from him. And he’s sort of nicer when he does, but only a little. He’s still very stern and in a way even tougher on me, because now I’m not just some stupid human slave he has to keep an eye on, but an apprentice he has to guide in werewolf ways. And that means being tough and rough.

Apart from Pumori’s morning walk and play with Puri, I haven’t seen her all day. That’s probably good as well. Maybe she would catch me sniffing a flower that is holy for werewolves or something and slap me around again.


Day 20

I managed to catch up with Renya, for all the good it did. She was with one of the other younger werewolves, but it had been impossible to catch her alone, so I decided to go for it anyway.

“Renya?” I said.

“So Renya grab bow and shoot at scout that were running away from grain building. Got scout in leg! Was happy! Finally getting better with bow! From then, shooting bow get better and better,” Renya continued to her werewolf friend, without paying any attention to me.

“Good one, Renya,” the werewolf replied.

I decided to wait a few seconds. I didn’t want to interrupt the story. A few days ago, Renya wouldn’t have minded that I interrupted, but I felt like I had ruined that privilege. At least for now. The story seemed to be over though, so I tried again.

“Renya? Can we talk?”

“Mm?” Renya said to the other werewolf. “Dave hear something? Renya think hear sound, like squeaky sound of mouse. No, must be mistaken.”

The werewolf laughed. I didn’t.

“Come on, Renya. Please don’t be like that. I’m trying to say I’m sorry.”

“Mouse keep squeaking,” Renya said. “Better move to other spot.”

“Renya!” I pleaded.

But she turned and pushed me out of the way.

“Go clean some rabbits, Slave-Cub,” she snapped.

That hurt the most. That she called me slave cub again. Not Vince. Certainly not Vinnie. I watched as she walked away. Suddenly, I noticed Rocco, leaning against a tree in the garden. He was staring at me with a pensive look on his face. I didn’t care. I had just received the unmistakable proof that Renya wouldn’t forgive me. That’s all that mattered to me. I felt sick to my stomach when I returned to my sleeping place.


Day 21

Things got really tense today. Rocco demanded to know where alpha Pumori was. I didn’t mention it yesterday because I was too upset about Renya, but it’s true: I haven’t seen Pumori yesterday either. Today, in the afternoon, Rocco became really loud and rebellious. Finally, Azik appeared and, reluctantly, admitted Pumori was ill. I didn’t understand everything she was saying, but it appears it’s not just an ordinary disease. Something has gone wrong during one of her visits to that fairytale land; the Dreamworld. She can’t wake up anymore.

Azik said it was only temporary, that everything would be alright, but Rocco didn’t believe it and the other werewolves were clearly worried. Rocco started about the need to move on again, just like that first time. He suggested that a new alpha was needed, but he didn’t press the matter when he noticed he didn’t get a lot of support from the other werewolves. They all seemed to prefer waiting a bit longer. Anyiko snapped at Rocco, saying she was perfectly capable of taking care of things while Pumori was ill and Azik growled it was nothing serious. Pumori would wake up soon enough.

But despite the popular support Anyiko, Azik and Pumori received, it was clear to me that many werewolves were worried. I overheard Riptooth whispering to his friends that the pack had been staying here for a very long time now and that he feared the Demon Lords would be displeased if they stayed much longer. If they weren’t displeased already.

I hope they’re not. I have no desire to meet displeased demons … I would like to see Renya, though. She’s still staying away, although … maybe I’m just imagining things, but a couple of times, when I looked in her direction, it seemed she was already staring at me and quickly looked away when I turned towards her. Maybe all hope isn’t lost after all…


Day 22

This morning, I went to Azik to see if she had chores for me, but she chased me back out. Pumori’s condition hadn’t changed. She was still lying motionless on her back in the chamber Azik had chosen as her lair. Puri was sitting by her side. That poor little girl looked very sad and worried.

Anyway, as I said, I was kicked out. I strolled through the corridor on my way back to the garden. I had already helped with lighting the fires, so I wondered if I should look for Gnarl and ask him what to do now, or just go out to gather wood. I had noticed the previous night that our supply was getting low. I had just decided to do the second thing, when Renya appeared on the other side of the corridor. She looked a bit sheepish at me. I slowed my pace, but then, began to walk faster.

“Ehm … hi Vince,” she said. Her use of my name made my heart beat a little faster. “Renya would like …”

From a side door, Riptooth suddenly appeared and almost bumped into me.

“Slave-Cub!” he growled. “Finally! Gnarl seek Slave-Cub.”

“I’ll go to him in a minute,” I tried.

“No. Now! Come with Riptooth. Gnarl want hunt. Need Slave-Cub to carry prey.”

“But …”

“Vince,” Renya said, giving me a little smile, “Go to Gnarl. Renya and Vince talk later. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said, giving her a broad smile in return. “See you.”

“Stop waste time,” Riptooth growled. “Move and give Riptooth leash!”

That length of rope wasn’t attached to my collar anymore. Not since we had arrived in the abbey, but I was still required to keep it in my satchel. Reluctant, I gave it to him, and he reattached it and held the other end in his left paw. I hate being led by a leash, even more than having to wear that collar, but I had little choice.

I followed him, not to the courtyard as I had expected, but through the side door he had come from. Walking through some storage rooms, we finally reached a small but heavy oak back door of the abbey, through which we left. It took us a while to reach the nearby forest. By then I was starting to wonder why Gnarl hadn’t sent Fang. That would have made more sense than Riptooth. I slowed down a bit, but Riptooth immediately yanked hard at my leash, pulling me forward.

“No loitering,” he snapped, looking back at me.

That was another thing I found odd. Normally, Riptooth would have stomped me for wasting his time. And he probably would have tripped me at least once, just for the fun of it. But none of that was happening now. He just led me by my leash. We walked along the edge of the wood for a while until we reached a little stream that ran out of the forest.

“We go in forest now. Slave cub walk in water.”

“What? Why?” I blurted out.

“Slave cub dare to question!” Riptooth snarled. “Get in there or get beating!”

“Okay, okay,” I quickly said.

There was a small path, that led along the stream, but it seemed more like a path animals used than humans. Not something the monks would have made. My walk became very uncomfortable after a while because the water was rather cold. We walked for about half an hour longer on slowly rising terrain, when suddenly the trees fell away, and we pushed through to a large open space. Actually, it was more like the top of a low hill in the middle of the forest. The monks had cleared the top of all vegetation and built a windmill. It was a good location, as the windmill would catch the most wind here. A broad man-made dirt road, which still showed signs of cartwheels led to the mill from the other side. I had no doubt we would find the abbey itself on the other side of it.

Things made less and less sense to me. If Gnarl was waiting for me here, why hadn’t we just taken the main gate and the main road? That would have been a lot easier than stumbling through the dense woods and through the water. But then, I was about to find out Gnarl wasn’t waiting for me here. Riptooth dragged me along towards the mill, as I was more and more reluctant to follow. Suddenly, the door swung open and a large werewolf with many scars appeared in the frame.

“Rocco!” I gasped.

“Down, slave,” he said. “Or Rocco teach Slave-Cub another lesson in respecting masters.”

I quickly looked down, but apparently, that wasn’t enough for him. He hit my arm hard with a cane he was carrying. I yelped.

“To hands and knees, Slave-Cub. Like little dog. Yes, that are better.”

He descended the short staircase that led from the door to the forest floor. I kept my eyes to the ground.

“Riptooth do as Rocco say?” he asked.

“Yes, Rocco,” Riptooth replied. “Riptooth not touch Slave-Cub.”

Maybe it was my imagination, but I had the impression Riptooth sounded nervous.

“Good. Rocco not want Slave-Cub’s scent mixed with Riptooth’s. Rocco wants scent to be pure … of prey.”

I looked up at him in fear. His wolf snout contorted into a mean smile.

“P … p … prey?” I stammered.

“Humans is prey. Always. Today, not Riptooth and Blacktail hunt Slave cub. Rocco will. And hunt be very different. Not look at Rocco!!” he suddenly yelled. “Put ugly face in grass!”

I did what he told me, but not fast enough to prevent another swipe with the cane.

“When Rocco say,” he continued, “Slave-Cub run, run very fast, to where sun goes down. When sun stand that high above trees,” he said, pointing at a spot in the sky, “Rocco begin hunt. Chase down Slave-Cub. If Slave-Cub not give good chase, if Rocco catch Slave-Cub too soon … Rocco will eat Slave-Cub alive!”

I glanced up at him, trembling, without raising my head. To my surprise, looking between his legs and passed the windmill, I saw two other large werewolves, part of Rocco’s clan, approaching the mill from the other side. One was carrying a person wrapped in burlap sacks over his shoulder. They had tried to make it look like it was just a large sack with stuff, but it was clearly a person.

“Master,” I stammered, using that word for the first time since I was caught by the werewolves, but I correctly assumed Rocco would like it. “Please don’t eat me. I’m a good slave. I work hard …”

“Quiet, Slave-Cub,” Rocco growled. “If eaten or not are Slave-Cub’s fault. Give good hunt, not get eaten.”

“But how do I know if I ran far enough?”

“Easy. When caught and Rocco eat Slave-Cub, Slave-Cub not run far enough.”

Rocco started rummaging in the backpack he was carrying. I made use of that moment of distraction to glance at the other werewolves. They had gotten a lot closer. The one carrying the ‘sack’, adjusted his load a little and suddenly, a bunch of blond hair fell out of the bag. Blond hair like Anyiko had. I startled but managed to hide it and look all meek and scared when Rocco turned his attention back towards me. It wasn’t hard to do, as I really was scared. Rocco dropped a few items on the ground in front of me. It was a water bottle and packages of food.

“Should be enough for couple of days,” Rocco said with a broad grin. “Yes. Rocco expect long hunt! Riptooth, take Slave-Cub to starting point. Oh, and Slave-Cub?”

“Y … yes?”

“Not try to run to abbey. Rocco have friends, keeping eye out. If run back to abbey, friends grab Slave-Cub, bring back here and then, Rocco eat Slave-Cub. Go now!”

Riptooth took me back the same way he had brought me. Once again, I had to walk through the water. Riptooth was unusually quiet. I had a feeling he had seen the other werewolves as well and it had made him nervous. When we reached the edge of the forest, he threw the leash at me and pointed towards the west.

“Start running, Slave cub. Run as fast as can. Maybe will survive then. Go!”


I didn’t hesitate for a second. I ran and kept running. I stayed near the forest at first, but that led me too much in a southern direction, so I ran through a meadow, filled with flowers. It didn’t give me much cover, but at least it made it possible for me to advance as fast as possible. Suddenly, I tripped and rolled through the high grass and flowers. Panting heavily and a little stunned, I stayed down for a moment. And that moment gave me a chance to calm down and think.

Had I really seen Anyiko, being carried as a captive to the windmill? I had to be mistaken, but then, it really was a person that had been carried by that werewolf. Maybe it was some human they had caught and were planning to eat. But then, there were no humans for miles around. And there was a lot of other weird stuff as well. Why did I have to walk through the water? And even more important, if it really was Anyiko who had been caught by Rocco, would Rocco be interested in hunting me down for two days? No way! If it was Anyiko, then something really scary and sinister was going on with the Pack. Pumori was ill and unconscious, Anyiko, the second in command was taken by Rocco and Rocco had already voiced his opposition.

“Rocco is going to seize the position of alpha!” I gasped out loud.

And if that was true, and I knew it was, that meant … nobody was hunting me. Rocco had better things to do. I just didn’t understand what the whole hunting thing was about. Why all that talk about eating me if I didn’t run fast and far enough? What could have been the point? It had to fit in Rocco’s plans somehow. I scratched my head and thought for a while. And then it hit me. Gnarl. Gnarl was loyal to Pumori. Rocco was getting rid of her best protectors and warriors. Anyiko had already been seized. If somebody told Gnarl that I had run away … he would come after me. And that would mean another great warrior of Pumori was gone for a while. That was also why I had to walk in the water. So, my scent wouldn’t lead him to the windmill. So … eventually somebody would be hunting me after all.

Still, that would probably only be after a while. Rocco wouldn’t want me to be caught too fast. I actually had a chance to escape here! I had some supplies, a decent head start and soon, the werewolves would be too busy squabbling among themselves to be bothered by an escaped slave. If I took off right now and didn’t stop running, I could be free again.

I stood up and stared towards the west, but I didn’t move. I didn’t start running. Slowly, I turned back into the direction I had come from. Going back to the abbey was impossible. I was sure Rocco would have some friends looking out for me. That part of his story was probably true. But … he would never look for me at …

I started running, but not west. At almost every step I took, a voice in my head kept screaming: ‘what are you doing? This is insane! Get away from here! Flee! Go to Degoland!’ The voice was right of course, but not entirely. Not entirely.

It wasn’t long before I was walking between trees again. Very cautiously, I made my way back … to the windmill. I had to have been running in that fake hunt longer than I thought because the sun was setting by the time I crawled through the shrubs and saw the clearing with the mill before me. There were no guards outside. Maybe they had left already. I studied the mill for a while. If somebody was still in there, I couldn’t get in using the door. They would certainly see me then. No to mention the ever-present threat they would catch my scent. But maybe there was another way in.

I crawled over the forest floor towards the blades of the windmill. The cover of darkness didn’t do much for me, because the werewolves can see in the dark, but I kept as low as possible and reached the windmill unseen. I quickly glanced around and when I saw nobody, I got to my feet, jumped up and grabbed the lowest of the blades. I may be a bit clumsy in my daily chores, but I am in excellent condition, so it didn’t take me long to climb up the blade until I reached a small window high up in the windmill.

I glanced inside. I could make out a weak light coming from below, but nobody was in the room behind the window. The window itself was a bit narrow, even for me. I nearly didn’t fit, and I cursed myself for not taking off the fur cloak before I tried to get through. That would have made me thinner. But after some –quiet- struggling, I finally managed to get through. I was at a kind of attic. There was a pulley, hanging through a manhole in the floor. The monks probably stored the sacks of flour here before they were taken to the real granaries and storehouses at the abbey. I went down on all fours and crawled towards the manhole. What I saw was pretty scary. And a little exciting too, but only a little.

I had been right all along. Anyiko had been caught by Rocco. She was draped over a beam in the room below, her arms and legs spread out and tied to nearby heavy stones of wooden beams. She was in her human form. A heavy spear had been attached firmly to a beam above her, so that the sharp point rested between her shoulder blades. At first, I didn’t understand why, but then it dawned on me. They wanted to keep her in her human form. If she started transforming now, with the convulsions that brought, she would impale herself on the spear. I could see they had been hurting her. Her back and bottom had a lot of red stripes. A gag had prevented her from making too much noise. The whole scene was lit by candles.

I was wondering if I could get down there, when suddenly Rocco appeared into view. He looked the same as before, like a werewolf. He had an evil grin on his face. He slowly walked around Anyiko. She tried to look up at him, but that wasn’t easy, tied down as she was.

Rocco stopped walking and placed his paw on one of her butt cheeks. She first shivered, then growled behind her gag. Rocco slapped her.

“Still not broken in?” he growled. “Not matter. Rocco tame you soon enough. Remember past? Days of alpha Hel? Hel were real leader, real alpha. Not like mongrel that lead pack now. Anyiko were omega then. Good place for Anyiko. Will take place again, when Rocco new alpha. Remember how fun it were, Anyiko? Omega forced to serve everybody in pack … in any way he like. That was rule under Hel. Even under Freya. Will be rule again under Rocco.”

Anyiko struggled and growled. Her struggling made her back scrape against the spear. Blood poured from the cuts. Rocco stepped forward and slapped her in the face.

“Anyiko not like that idea, Rocco see! Struggle not will help. Will happen anyway. And not think anybody will help. Nobody come. Nobody see Anyiko taken by werewolves of Rocco. Azik too busy with sick mongrel and Gnarl hunt down Slave cub. So, Anyiko become omega again. Yes, that sound good.”

His breathing was getting heavier and he was clearly excited at the prospect. He walked back and stood behind the captured beta. He growled.

“Rocco not wait,” he panted. “Rocco have fun now. Anyiko already omega. Rocco make sure Anyiko carry many cubs. And will start right now.”

With a snarl, he grabbed poor Anyiko’s thighs and … the outside door slammed open. Rocco growled in frustration and turned around. To my disappointment, it wasn’t a rescue party, but one of the two werewolves who had brought Anyiko there in the first place.

“Dorn!” Rocco growled. “Get out! Rocco are busy! And what do here anyway? Told you to stay in abbey and keep eye on things!”

“Yes, but …”

“Riptooth tell Gnarl about Slave-Cub runaway?”

“Yes, Dorn see. But …”

“Then get out and go back to abbey!”

“Dorn have important news! Rocco must hear!”

Rocco glanced frustrated over his shoulder at Anyiko. Then, he shrugged and turned back to Dorn.

“Speak!” he ordered.

“Azik try to wake Pumori.”

“So? Azik try for days now.”

“Yes, but Azik use new way! Azik will go to Dreamworld too and bring back Pumori spirit herself! Azik were getting ready when Dorn leave.”

“Azik go to Dreamworld? But … that mean …”

“Yes, Azik sleep too!”

“And are harmless. How long will stay that way?”

“Not know. Could be short and then maybe even bring Alpha back, but in meantime …”

“Rocco strike now!” Rocco said excited. “Dorn and Slasher come with Rocco. Kill Azik, grab Puri-mongrel.”

“And kill Pumori?”

“No,” Rocco said. “Only if no other choice. Pumori … when wake up, she become slave of Rocco. Chain her to stone throne in Howling Keep. Pumori do exactly as Rocco say, or Puri are punished. If Pumori make trouble, Rocco cripple Pumori first. Tonight, White Fang finally have real alpha again and not stupid mongrel.”

“What with Anyiko?” Dorn asked. “Not must leave somebody to guard?”

“Maybe … will probably need all warriors in abbey. We not have so many. Must convince others to follow.”

“Dorn bring back Riptooth as well. Riptooth wait outside.”

“Mm, okay. Riptooth!”

The young werewolf came in.

“Riptooth guard prisoner. Stay here. Not talk to Anyiko. Not do anything. Just make sure, Anyiko not run away. Understand!?”

“Yes, Rocco.”

“Riptooth better understand. Or Rocco rip out all teeth!”

Rocco took one of the empty grain sacks and put it over Anyiko’s head.

“There!” he said. “Leave like that! Make sure new omega stay here,” he repeated one last time. “Dorn and Rocco leave now. Give pack new and real alpha.”

And with those words, he left the windmill with his friend. Riptooth nervously started pacing the room, trying not to look at the prisoner.

I waited a little, looking down at the scene below. My mind was racing with possibilities. Maybe I could still try to make a run for it? Coming back here was stupid anyway. What could I possibly hope to achieve with that? But my chances of a successful escape had been seriously reduced by now and Gnarl would already be looking for me. The only other thing I could try, was to help. If I did nothing, Rocco would be alpha by the end of the night and if he caught me again, which would certainly happen, things wouldn’t look good for me. He would probably have me neutered or something. And what would happen to the werewolves I actually liked? Especially Renya.

I cautiously reached for the hook that was attached to a rope which in turn was attached to the pulley. With some effort, I managed to grab it and, without making a sound, pull it towards me. The pulley was well maintained, and I was very relieved it didn’t start squeaking. I pulled more of the rope towards me, always keeping an eye on Riptooth below. But he was still very nervous and apart from keeping a reluctant eye on Anyiko, didn’t seem to notice much else.

When I estimated I had gathered enough rope, I carefully aimed the heavy hook … and threw it down. It hit Riptooth on the head and he immediately fell to the floor. It felt very satisfying. I secured the rope again and slit down, hurting the palms of my hands a bit, because I had forgotten about rope burn. Luckily the drop wasn’t that deep.

I cautiously glanced at Riptooth. He was still breathing, which was a relief because I don’t want to kill anybody, but he seemed out cold. I snatched the short sword from his belt and ran to Anyiko.

“I’ll have you free in just a second, Anyiko,” I said, cutting the bonds on her right ankle.

She raised her head and mumbled something. I went to her other leg, cut through the ropes and ran to her front. With a quick pull, I yanked off the bag so she could see me. I wanted to cut the bonds on her right hand, but she growled something at me from behind her gag. So, I removed the gag first.

“Finally,” she growled. “Slave-Cub? How you get here? What happen to Riptooth?”

“I knocked him out,” I said proudly.

“You? How? You is like skinny rabbit!”

“Hey! I’m pretty muscular. Anyway, I threw something on his head,” I said, quickly cutting loose her left wrist.

“Slave-Cub?” Anyiko asked.


“How get here? And why help Anyiko?”

I shrugged.

“Rocco tried to use me to distract Gnarl. He probably succeeded. We have to hurry. Rocco is planning very mean things …”

“Anyiko know. Anyiko not deaf,” she said and flinched.

I had accidentally cut her in the arm while removing the last ropes.

“Oh!” I gasped. “I’m sorry.”

With an irritable look on her face, she stood up, stretched and snatched the sword from my hands.

“You is clumsy, Slave-Cub,” she said. “But you is also brave. And bit weird. Get out of way!”

She pushed me aside and I fell in a pile of bags. Riptooth was standing up again. He had blood running down his skull. Anyiko charged him, growling, but he cowered back.

“No!” he said in scared tone of voice. “Not kill Riptooth, please!”

Anyiko was taken aback somewhat by his unusual tactics. I crawled out of the pile of bags and came a bit closer.

“Riptooth now want any of this,” he said. He was almost crying. Oddly enough, I felt pity for him. “Riptooth just worried and scared. Alpha Pumori not wake up. Maybe never wake up again. Demon Lords want pack to move, but nobody move. Things is bad. Real bad. Pack needs alpha that are awake. And lead. Not asleep. Riptooth just want what are good for pack. But Rocco never tell about hurting Anyiko or killing Azik or eating Slave-Cub alive. Not want any of that … And when happen, too late for go back. Too late. Riptooth so sorry … Blacktail already say: not hang out with Rocco. Why Riptooth not listen?”

Anyiko growled and raised the sword. Then, after a short hesitation she just hit him with the hilt. He whimpered and flinched.

“Stupid Riptooth,” she said. “Act like scared little cub. Maybe Riptooth still are cub! Should have been left in Howling keep. Turn around, turn human and keep hands on back.”

A few moments later, Riptooth was lying in the same position Anyiko had been, including the spear that made sure he wouldn’t turn back into a werewolf.

“Must hurry now,” Anyiko said. “Run back faster than rabbit. Or Azik and maybe Pumori die. Is Slave cub fast enough for that?”

“You just said I was like a skinny rabbit. So, yes. Can you make it? They seem to have hit you pretty hard. Don’t you have like an ointment for something like that? I can help you to apply it. I mean, we don’t want you passing out on the way back …”

Anyiko swiped at me, but instead of slapping me, she ruffled through my hair.

“Slave-Cub are funny,” she said. “But not have time for silly words. We run. As fast as are possible. Not wait for other if not can follow. First one to get back, raise alarm. Yes?”

“Yes,” I said.

We left the windmill and started running down the main road.   

Suspicious things are happening in the abbey and Vince finds himself in the middle of it.

Pumori, the White Fang and its members belong to kanyiko

The world of Aiers belongs to Shabazik

Vince belongs to me.

Much credit goes to Kanyiko who suggested some of the plot involved in this chapter. :salute:
© 2015 - 2024 Walt-Marsters
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larqven's avatar

Nice job with Vince figuring out the plot and turning the tables on Rocco.  Turning back and returning to the windmill was indeed a most unexpected action.  Surely one that will win major points from the pack and Anyiko to be sure.

Of course, overcoming Rocco and his more dangerous cohorts is still up to question.


errors: (I secured the rope again and [slit] down)  [slid]

(Riptooth [now] want any of this)  [not]?